Dear Construction Nation,
One day a couple months ago I got a call from Emily Cohen. You might recall she is the Executive Vice President for United Contractors Association, and she was on Episode 35 of the Lead With Trust Podcast. Well, Emily called to ask if Lead with Trust could do a series on Bringing Women into Construction. She felt it was time that we work to get more women into construction as 500,000 construction jobs sit unfilled. I of course said, “Yes! Let’s do it.”
So, in 2023 we are doing a 12-part series on Bringing Women into Construction (BWIC). The series will run the second Tuesday of each month.
I see the impact on my projects every day, where there just aren’t enough people to do the job. Technology will help, but we need more people coming into construction. And if you think about it, women (or others) won’t come if they don’t know about it or see it as an opportunity where they are welcomed.
In the series I will offer role models of women who are working in construction now. I will also offer insights and ideas for attracting, growing, and keeping women, as they do move into construction.
Check out the conversation Emily and I had to kick off this series.
Emily and I would love your feedback on what questions you have, or success stories you can share, about bringing women into your business or projects. We hope you enjoy this series.
On the 4th Tuesday of each month on Lead with Trust, I am going to answer a leadership question I’ve received from you, Construction Nation. So, if you are struggling with something and have a question you would like me to answer, just email me at [email protected].
It is estimated that in 2 years, there will be 650,000 vacant construction jobs. We really need to do something differently! We’d love to hear your ideas!
Thanks Construction Nation!!
P.S. Lead with Trust is a Podcast, Newsletter and YouTube Channel. Listen how you like to get your information.
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