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The Trusted Leader Profile

A Snapshot of YOU as a leader

One of the challenges you may face when you want to grow and become a trusted leader is knowing where to begin. An assessment is a great first step because it shows you where you are as well as allows you to figure out where you need to grow and what your first steps should be.

Over the past year, I created aTrusted Leader Profile for you that is completely revamped and updated from an old version I was using. I am so excited to share this resource with you. The Trusted Leader Profile is an assessment set up to give you a “trust number” between 1 and 15 to show where you are on the Leadership Continuum, measuring between fear and trusted leadership. The Trusted Leader Profile gives you two perspectives of your leadership style.

The first perspective is your Primary Leader Style. It measures your normal style of leadership and the norms you are creating within your business right now. The secondary perspective is your Perceived Leader Style. It measures how you perceive you are leading. For many of us, there will be quite a difference between our primary and secondary styles. If you have differences between your primary and secondary styles it indicates that we have some work to do to get those two leadership styles in alignment so our primary leadership is reflected in our perceived leadership. The profile is a snapshot in time, so taking the assessment quarterly is a good way to gage where you are and to see your progress.

We all have strengths and weaknesses. Understanding yourself as a leader allows you to see where you may have some incongruencies which allows you to know how to move forward in your leadership. The Trusted Leader Profile assesses 14 different elements and determines whether you fall closer to the fear side or the trusted leader side of each element. The profile explains each leadership style and how they play out. Additionally, there are multiple exercises included that will allow you to continue to understand your results. The profile will be complimentary to anyone who wants to use it and you can have your entire team take the profile and discuss it together. Remember there are not right or wrong styles or results. It is a snapshot to allow you to see where you are at this time, given the circumstances. You can find the profile at Don’t be afraid to introduce this resource to your team and start getting on track to become the best trusted leader you can be!

Trust is like a team sport — you are all trying to aim towards trust. When working with people, trust has to exist between individuals. Understanding everyone else and their leadership style is a great way to improve communication, which will improve trust.



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