Want to Know the Secret to Creating Great Project Teams?
Dear Construction Nation, Great project teams are developed by great leaders and that is exactly what Jeff Sims brings to each project and program he works on. Please join me today in learning about the secrets to creating great project teams with Jeff Sims. I first met Jeff when he was leading a large scientific […]
Delivery Diplomacy Worldwide
Dear Construction Nation, Can you imagine constructing a large building in a country that is not all that friendly with your country? And training a local workforce while adhering to very strict safety procedures? Well, that is exactly what Tracy Thomas and her team at OBO do every day all over the world – even […]
Two Methods That Will Transform Your Problems
The first rule of problem solving is “don’t become part of the problem!” Yet how many times do you see people stir things up and add fuel to the fire, making it much harder to solve the problem you are working on? I know we all do this from time to time. We have strong […]
Take a Collective Approach and Soar!
Dear Construction Nation, Gerry (not his real name) was a very tall, smart, ambitious leader of his construction company. He worked long hours and was always trying to grow his business. One day he sat down at my desk and said, “You know, I have this vision for the business and for my people, but […]
The Two Secrets for Creating GREAT Deals!
Howdy Construction Nation! Did you ever wonder how master negotiators are able to negotiate deals when everyone else thought it was impossible? They can bring together warring factions to create never-done-before ideas that transform the people and businesses involved. This was the case when the business manager of a plumbers’ local union went out on […]
The Victim/Villian Paradox
Construction Nation, When my father died my mom came to live with us. She was an identical twin. All her childhood she had been bullied by her twin sister, and her mother to some extent. This did two things: it made my mom very strong and it made her slip into a victim mindset. This […]
Your Project Team’s Primary Role
Dear Construction Nation, Have you ever worked on a project where it seemed that all the team did was argue about the budget or schedule? I seem to be on this type of project all the time!! The owner feels the contractor is trying to take advantage of them. The contractor and subcontractors feel they […]
Mega Project Success Factors 2022
Hello Construction Nation, Here is some food for thought…. 65% of mega projects fail according to a 2015 study done by the Construction Industry Institute (CII). 70% of construction projects fail according to a 2020 mega project study by University College London (UCL). I’ve seen and heard about how mega projects keep failing for decades. […]
The Top 10 Podcasts for Construction Leaders in 2022
Hi Construction Nation! I love podcasts! I love to learn and keep up on trends and what’s leading edge. Podcasts are so perfect to accomplish this! First, they are audio, so I can listen while I walk, drive, exercise, or do the dishes. Second, they are FREE! Third, you get direct access to learn from […]
Work Your Assets Off
Dear Construction Nation, I sometimes feel like I am on a hamster wheel. It is hard to stop. It seems endless. It can be tiring, and overwhelming. I think many people feel that way these days. This is probably the main reason so many people are rethinking their work lives right now. According to a […]