The Trusted Leader Profile

Over the past year, I created aTrusted Leader Profile for you that is completely revamped and updated from an old version I was using. I am so excited to share this resource with you. The Trusted Leader Profile is an assessment..
The Three Levels Of Resistance

You may think fear works; keeping people a little afraid to stay motivated. If you’re dictating to them what to do, they are likely to comply, but that does not mean they are following you.
Fear and Trust Cannot Coexist

If you are working towards trust, it is vital to understand what is on the other side. Naturally, you might ask, “what is the opposite of trust? The opposite of trust is fear. This means that fear and trust cannot coexist. As you look to improve the level of trust within your business, you must […]
Adversarial Communication in Business

Last week I had mentioned arm wrestling and how it sets up an adversarial way of looking at each other. A way that prevents us from seeing what might be possible. I have been receiving questions like “how does that happen?” and “why does that happen in my business?” Well, it happens in an instant, […]