The Four Seasons of Partnering – Part 2

Hey Construction Nation, Have you noticed that no matter what season you are in, there are specific opportunities and lessons to be learned? Sometimes the lessons come disguised as problems and challenges to overcome. Sometimes they come as ways to soar. But they always come. And they come in cycles, like seasons. Last week we […]
The Four Seasons of Partnering – Part 1

Dear Construction Nation, Have you ever noticed how everything seems to go through seasons? Your life has seasons. Your business has seasons. The economy has seasons. It just makes sense that when you have construction Partnering you will have seasons. For those of you who are Partnering your projects, understanding what season you are facing […]
The USACE Goes All In On Partnering

Dear Construction Nation, In 1982 I was asked to be a part of the President’s Council for Productivity Improvement for the construction industry. At the time Congress was afraid that our poor productivity levels in construction were going to prevent the U.S. from competing in the new global marketplace that was emerging. So, there were […]
Three Steps to Drive Out Fear and Create Trusted Leadership

Dear Construction Nation, I just kicked-off partnering on a project where the team gave me their list of “risks.” Then, I got an email from the construction executive asking me NOT to use this list. They were afraid to share with the owner’s team their frustration and fear. This is not an unusual situation. Of […]